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Celebrating its 35th year, Community Vision is a nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) that works across California. As a locally invested, collaborative partner in social justice and financial equity, Community Vision provides nonprofits, small businesses and social enterprises with strategic investment, advising and support to advance community-based and led real estate projects.

Lexi Paza Co-Director

Most of us generally understand that humans must have their basic needs met before they can engage in meaningful personal growth. If someone is struggling with hunger or can’t pay rent, it’s unlikely that they can ponder self-determining their own future by knowing and then having what it takes to achieve their own goals. The same thing happens in our community-serving organizations. If a nonprofit struggles to meet its basic needs – think constantly chasing funding or stressing about clients’ needs outpacing organizational capacity – then talking about shaping its future feels impossible at worst but unlikely at best.


The Delmar DivINe is the reimagination of an historic hospital built in 1904. The hospital became a series of health organizations before it closed in 2014. In 2015 the campus was purchased to be the future site of a multi-use real estate project that will house about 35 nonprofits, 3 service retailers and one restaurant as well as 150 apts. for teachers, nurses, social workers, public safety—young, diverse professionals who want a great place to live at an affordable price. The location is on Delmar Boulevard, the infamous dividing line in St.. Louis of rich and poor, Black and White. The “lines” are being intentionally blurred.


Water Cooler at Pegasus Park is sponsored by Lyda Hill Philanthropies, in partnership with J. Small Investments, and is the largest nonprofit shared space in Texas. The community exists to enable the Dallas social services sector to be one of the most effective in the nation by offering a world-class shared space to help organizations attract and retain talent, improve organizations’ collaboration, reduce administrative costs by providing more predictable leases, and create more visibility around the social problems that need to be solved. Approximately 175,000 square feet of space spanning five floors on Pegasus Park’s campus is dedicated to Water Cooler.

David Schrayer

As you contemplate your next office space, take advantage of NCN’s updated guidelines for leasing. Co-Director David Schrayer offers 7 tips around planning ahead, budgeting, enlisting expert help and preparing for the unknowns, including one unexpected bonus suggestion at the end. Read on so you’re ready to seize the opportunity when it becomes available – and maybe that space will just happen to be in a nonprofit center! 7 Leasing Tips for Nonprofits Tip 1: Plan ahead


NTC Foundation was established in 2000 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit to enrich the lives of San Diegans by renovating this signature community asset and creating, facilitating, and operating ARTS DISTRICT as a 100-acre creative district. Visitors experience the arts, culture, creativity, and cuisine that are the hallmarks of the San Diego region and enjoy innovative experiences in a historic setting at Liberty Station that inspire lives for generations to come. Thanks to community and donor support, NTC Foundation is working to advance ARTS DISTRICT to be (1) a center for arts, culture, and creativity that offers innovative experiences to both residents and visitors, (2) a creative hub for San Diego’s nonprofits and artists, (3) a dynamic destination for children and families, and (4) a historical showcase that honors the city’s Navy heritage.


Ventura Partners provides CRE services for community benefit, working with non-profit organizations. We support local communities by teaming with partners to for efficient, effective, and thoughtful use of resources. Drawing upon experience with a variety of buildings and the organizations they house, Ventura Partners customizes services to the needs of each project. This can take the form of comprehensive planning and development, property and facilities management, or more targeted problem solving. No matter the scope, we/they always approach our/their work with an eye to the long-term sustainability of community assets. Current projects include: EPACENTER, a brand-new facility in East Palo Alto run by a nonprofit organization for creative youth development; Impact Justice, a national innovation and research center for justice reform; Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, organizing with Black, Brown, and low-income people to shift resources restoratively; and CAST (Community Arts Stabilization Trust), innovating finance for community and cultural art sustainability.


Teal Street Center (TSC) is a multi-tenant nonprofit facility designed to offer accessible, coordinated social services in Juneau, Alaska. The 12,400 sq. ft. project will be the permanent home for eight nonprofit organizations that serve seniors, those experiencing physical or mental health disabilities, at-risk youth, veterans, cancer patients, and low-income individuals and families. TSC is designed to be a social services hub set in the heart of a high-needs population. Our building will be adjacent to Juneau’s newly opened homeless shelter. Transitional and low-income senior housing units are on the opposite side of our project.

Pat Smith, Founder and CEO Serve Denton, Denton, TX NCN Steering Committee Member

When seasons of severe challenges hit your community, where will you turn? Community resilience is best done at the local level, informed by the direct interactions between citizens, government, nonprofits, education, churches, and businesses. Nonprofit centers such as Serve Denton are evidence of this. It’s a one-stop shop that offers colocation and networking to ensure people who are in need in Denton County can easily find help. Now more than ever, it's crucial for communities to initiate a forward-thinking approach to growing resilient communities. Our communities rely on this planning of meeting current and future needs to sustain their resiliency. The adage is true: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Nonprofit Centers Network

1536 Wynkoop Street, Suite 103
Denver, CO 80202

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The Nonprofit Centers Network is a fiscally sponsored project of Tides Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your gift may be tax-deductible pursuant to §170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please visit for additional information. Copyright The Nonprofit Centers Network 2016-2024. All rights reserved.

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