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Sharing Innovation Call for Presenters Closed August 5, 2020.
Presenters will be announced beginning August 18th.

2020 has thrown a lot our way: ongoing violence against Black and Brown communities, a national spotlight on systemic racism, and a global health crisis. We understand that there is no “average” experience for centers these days, so we are designing this fall’s Sharing Innovation to capture stories of resiliency, of challenge, and of the ongoing role of nonprofit centers in building and sustaining equitable communities. NCN wants to know how your center is creating resiliency and how you are re-imagining your work within shared space and shared resources.
  • How does your organization play a role in creating community resiliency during times of upheaval through shared space and shared services?
  • How might or how are shared services better supporting organizations in a COVID19 world? How are shared service providers utilizing their expertise to forecast, strategize, and support organizations during the pandemic (such as PPP/SBA EIDL loan support)?
  • Community ownership of community assets are critically important to building power in communities that have been impacted by structural racism. What does community ownership look like at your center? How has it built power in Black and Brown communities?
  • What tools (financial, social, legal, political) are you developing or leveraging to create more community-held assets and long-term affordability for nonprofits? How can we take advantage of a downturn in the real estate market?
  • What long-term operational or financial lessons can be learned by nonprofit centers from the private sector’s pandemic response regarding office/flex space/coworking?
  • If urban areas de-densify as a response to the pandemic, what does that mean for urban nonprofit centers and racial equity?

If you and your organization are successfully chipping away at any of the questions above (or related questions we’re not thinking of), (Call for presenters closed on August 5, 2020) at this year’s Virtual Sharing Innovation (October 7th and 8th, Wed/Thurs – half-days) by July 31, 2020. We want to hear from US, Canada, and beyond! We are looking for engaging speakers to address our audience for 20 minutes or less (plus 10 minutes for questions) in a way that works to stream the content online for a virtual live audience. Each presentation is required to have some type of visual component (such as a PowerPoint)

Nonprofit Centers Network

1536 Wynkoop Street, Suite 103
Denver, CO 80202

The Nonprofit Centers Network is an Initiative of

The Nonprofit Centers Network is a fiscally sponsored project of Tides Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your gift may be tax-deductible pursuant to §170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please visit for additional information. Copyright The Nonprofit Centers Network 2016-2024. All rights reserved.

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