Member Highlight: Loudoun Hunger Relief

Loudoun Hunger Relief (LHR) opened a new Community Services Center, anchored by a full choice free market, in September 2023. Since 1991, LHR has been Loudoun County’s primary emergency pantry resource, distributing millions of pounds of food to residents of our county in need. Referrals to other needed services are a core part of our work. The new Community Services Center includes Loudoun Literacy Council, Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers, and Crossroads Jobs, along with other agencies offering services at our site on a rotating basis. One stop for multiple services helps people get what they need more quickly and efficiently. LHR is currently serving more than 800 families a week. LHR helped our community with 2.4 million pounds of food and about 172,000 service encounters last year. Every day, staff and volunteers focus on making sufficient, nutritious food available to our neighbors while helping people gain access to other needed services.

What is one interesting fact about your space?

Loudoun Hunger Relief’s Community Services Center has been designed with our neighbors in mind. Through research, client surveys, focus groups, and conversations we have learned what types of food, available times, and support are the most helpful to our neighbors. We discovered that food assistance is often the first point of contact with the human services safety net. It was an easy leap to locating multiple nonprofits in one Community Services Center. Our new market offers appointments for both in-person shopping and curbside pick-up to allow for people’s preferences and a variety of schedules. Co-located services provide a “one stop shop” for families struggling with the demands of seeking assistance. In 2024, we will be fully occupied with our co-located organizations and look forward to greater impact in the community with broader services.

What are your favorite resources that you would recommend to others?

Feeding America has resources to help people find emergency food near them anywhere in the country. Most food banks also provide a list of resources in their areas. 2-1-1 is also a wealth of resources and information for those struggling to find help. People should not be afraid to reach out for help, and food is usually an easier place to start.

Center Name: Loudoun Hunger Relief

Center Member Type: Center in Operation

Location: Leesburg, VA

Center Website:

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